music criticism

美 [ˈmjuːzɪk ˈkrɪtɪsɪzəm]英 [ˈmjuːzɪk ˈkrɪtɪsɪzəm]
  • 网络乐评;音乐批评;音乐评论
music criticismmusic criticism
  1. Though his renown for exhibiting a phenomenal musical intuition backed by nearly flawless technique is profound , his compositions and music criticism are little known .


  2. Compendium of Chinese Music Criticism History ( Part One )


  3. Therefore , his performance is the Confucian thinking of music criticism of succession .


  4. Deepening period of music criticism ( Wei and Jin Dynasty to late Qing Dynasty ) ;


  5. LEARNING CHINESE Studying Geography Some Opinions on Music Criticism & The fourth letter on academic writings of music


  6. By exploring their formative characteristics and disciplines , one could gain plenty of enlightenment about music criticism education .


  7. Furthermore , the author also gives the definition of music criticism and analyzes some functions of it deeply and systematically .


  8. A Call for New Music Criticism & Lecture at Xinghai Conservatory of Music June 7,2004


  9. I always think music criticism and program notes are written by people trying to prove how clever they are .


  10. The music criticism generally is quite peaceful in2005 , but often came out some hot sports of controversy .


  11. As a quite new discipline , music criticism is in dire need of the improvement and enrichment of theories and experience .


  12. The aesthetic psychological process of music criticism can be divided into three stages : initialization , climax , and continuity .


  13. The birth of feminism music criticism have transfused new content and dynamism into traditional musicology , and caused great impact .


  14. No matter the process of music criticism or the study of music criticism , it is a complex active process which contains varieties of psychological functions .


  15. Music criticism has a long historical development in the West , both in terms of its theory and practice , and the achievement has been remarkable .


  16. The music criticism has the following functions : ideology analyzing , aesthetic appreciating , value judging , sense explaining and tool & weapon .


  17. The second chapter centers on the practice of music criticism , including three sections . The first analyzes the respects of the subject of music criticism .


  18. The second deals with the media and vehicles of music criticism , such as concerts , journals , audios and videos .


  19. According to the multi-development situation of present musical life , it is of urgent need for our music criticism to change the original patterns and suit the rapid change .


  20. The last chapter of the thesis proposes several questions related to the contemporary music criticism , and also offers some reflection on and prospects of the future of the Chinese music criticism .


  21. Having developed steadily for nearly 40 years , feminist music criticism have been a hot topic in American musicology , thus contributing to considerably abundant results of relevant research .


  22. He is best remembered for his12 Concerti Grossi after Scarlatti and his Essay on Musical Expression , the first music criticism published in English .


  23. Harmonizing the operation , ensuring the artistic course and the health development . The cultural mission of the music criticism is ( 1 ) to research into the practical problems and to find the music developing rules ;


  24. In China , however , music criticism , which made a quite late start and has its own characteristics and patterns of progress , still to some extent lags behind that of the Western world , theoretically and practically .


  25. The first section deals with the concept of music criticism , including its definition and the relationship between music criticism and music review . The second section talks about the nature of music criticism , by the interpretation of such criticism and the comparison with other kinds of criticisms .


  26. This thesis probes into the origin of " woe as beauty " in the metaphysics of Wei and Jin Dyansties : " woe " has proceeded along the way from music into literary criticism .


  27. Since western pop music is suffering criticism and overthrowing from the post-modernism , study in the modernization of pop music has to take account of post-modernism . The foremost problem for development of the Chinese pop music culture is how to realize modernization of such a pop music .


  28. Graduates study various periods of music history , music criticism , and performance .


  29. Passed on to three parts : First , the United States and the music , music appreciation 3 , music criticism .


  30. The basic elements of music aesthetic psychology include attention , aesthetic expectation , aesthetic attitude , acoustic perception , imagination , emotional experience , and comprehension , etc. They construct the aesthetic psychological structure of music criticism .
